Saturday, November 28, 2009


It was so fun getting to cook half of our Thanksgiving dinner. Sadie was very helpful with rolling out the dough and staying by my side as i slaved over the stove for hours :) We sang and danced to Christmas music while Sam went and played football with the boys in our ward.
Even though we were sad to be without family for Thanksgiving, we had such a great time with our friends, The Linn's, getting dinner ready, eating, playing games, and just enjoying each others company.
I am so thankful for Sam! I wasn't complete without him in my life. He is so fun to be around. I am thankful that we are sealed, and that he is mine forever! Oh how I love him! Our Sadie never fails to make my day better. She cracks us up when she is amazed by something, (like in the above picture) and slaps her hand over her mouth. And we love that she has an obsession with smelling things. ALL things. I am so thankful for her. She makes me want to be such a better person and mother. I am so thankful that we are blessed to have another little girl on the way! I cannot wait to get to know her, hold her, and have her as one of my best little friends.


We have come to find out that nothing is for sure in the military. After we were so relieved to have Sam here, and not deployed, we were informed that he is leaving in the beginning of January. So we are trying to look on the bright side of things. And we are crossing our fingers that our sweet little baby girl will be born before he leaves. I just might die if she comes past her due date, and i have to have her without Sam! When he leaves we will be moving back to Utah to be with our fun, supportive family.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Fairy Princess

There were too many fun things to do this Halloween now that Sadie is old enough to enjoy it. This year she was a fairy princess, (and the cutest one ever at that!). First we went to a cute little pumpkin patch with Katie, Braden, Preston, and Rachel Brett and Marie. The kids Loved picking out their own little pumpkins. Rachel had a dress up play group that was a blast. Downtown Vacaville had trick or treating at all of the shops. Sadie learned that Halloween is so fun because all she had to do was smile, say hi, stick out her pumpkin bucket and then she got candy. Halloween morning we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and carved our pumpkin. It was the first time Sam and i had done it in years and we loved it. Then Halloween night we spent with The Linns. We ate dinner and had fun taking the little ones out trick or treating for more candy. Oh how i love the holidays!