We miss you so very much! I know it's only 4 months, and i am so grateful for that, but us 3 girls have a very hard time surviving without our strong man. Marissa will be so different when you get home! She is getting chubbier by the minute. :) Her cheeks are so soft. Sadie and I are constantly kissing them, and we wish you could join us.
Sadie pretends like she is talking to you on the phone. Whenever she sees a picture of you, she will kiss it about 5 times, and say, "hi dad!", or, "I wub woo". The other night she saw a picture of us, and said, "daddy all gone". It was a little sad, and i was surprised that she could grasp the concept of you being gone. She is so big now, and will be chattering away by the time you are home.
I miss my best friend. I miss you comforting me on a hard day, with a warm hug and a sweet kiss. I miss laughing our heads off every night lying in bed, because we have so much fun together. You sure know how to make me laugh. I miss being spoiled. Remember when i would go straight to the passengers seat in the car when we were headed places, and you were the one doing all of the work carrying Sadie and strapping her in? Well, now when we want to leave places, i am in the cold of Utah, with a huge diaper bag on my shoulder, Sadie on my hip, and Marissa on my opposite arm. Oh to have my buff man here to do it for me...I have no idea how those woman survive with their husbands gone for 7-18 months! 4 months is far more than enough! Although, this time has probably been good for me to grow up a little. I love you! WE love you! And can't wait to see you in 3 months!
your 3 girlies